The masters of InstaGlam improve the quality of life of modern women, helping them save time on makeup and gain confidence in their beauty!

By choosing us, you choose quality and a guarantee of a natural effect!

Five reasons to get permanent eyebrows.

1. SAVE your time! This is really true, all our clients talk about it! You no longer need to spend 15 minutes drawing straight eyebrows every day.

2. Summer, sea, sun and you with EYEBROWS that don’t melt in the heat, don’t get washed away in the rain and are always with you! No need to worry about the state of your makeup.

3. Now your daily makeup is 70% ready! All you have to do is swipe your mascara and you’re ready, because the main work has already been done!

4. You have character, because eyebrows are our character! They perfectly emphasize your features and individuality!

5. SPORTS? Pfft.. easy and simple. After all, eyebrows remain on your face, no matter how you work out in the gym, run or even swim in the pool!


What practical problems does permanent makeup solve?

Effect of stability and duration

Anyone who uses eye and lip pencils every day knows how difficult it is to achieve a flawless line. Permanent makeup allows you to draw a line once, and it will remain for several years.

Eliminating asymmetry

Any face is asymmetrical – this also applies to the lips. and eyebrows, and eye shape. Sometimes the asymmetry is subtle, sometimes it is very obvious, but we often don’t notice it, because we see our face in the mirror every day, and all its slight distortions have long become familiar to us. With permanent makeup, the master can correct the asymmetry – unless, of course, the client insists on maintaining it.

Increase in lip size

It is hardly an exaggeration to say that plump lips are the dream of most women. By the way, you can optically enlarge lips stretched into a thread only from a cosmetologist! Permanent makeup can only slightly add volume.

Hatching the entire surface of the lips

This method gives you a chance to get rid of lipstick in your makeup bag. The surface of the lips is shaded with the client’s favorite color: now you can eat, drink, laugh, kiss – and not worry about what happens to your makeup at this time. However, if you need lipstick of a different color to match your suit or mood, then permanent makeup will not interfere with this at all.

How to care for permanent makeup

General recommendations for the care of permanent makeup

The skin restoration period takes 28-30 days, primary healing takes an average of 10-14 days:

From 1 to 7 days after the permanent makeup procedure, a very important stage begins; it is on these days that your future permanent is formed under a bright “film”. In the first days after the procedure, the permanent makeup area looks bright and expressive. Usually on the 3rd day after the procedure the color becomes even brighter!

From 7 to 15 days, the pigment has already taken root, but the resulting crusts should not be removed by you; during this period they should peel off on their own. Permanent makeup looks lighter after the crusts/peeling disappear. This is such a paradox. And you even get the feeling that the pigment has not taken root, and the crusts have gone away along with the color – this is completely wrong.

From 15 to 30 days, when the skin regeneration process is complete, the pigment becomes clearly visible again.

Permanent makeup correction occurs after 30 days; you need to sign up for it in advance.

Microblading or permanent makeup?

So, permanent makeup or tattooing, as it is also called, is divided into two areas:

— hardware permanent;

– manual permanent (in other words, micropigmentation or microblading).

Many people think that the only difference is how the pigment is introduced into the skin: with a device or with a manipulator, but that’s not all!

So why do some masters advise doing microblading, while others only recommend hardware permanent makeup?

Which method is better?

Implementation method:
Permanent makeup – pigment is introduced into the skin using a special device that operates from a network or power supply. The depth of penetration is the surface layer of the skin, hair follicles are not touched and blood is not released.

Microblading is a manual method of introducing pigment into the skin; the master draws each hair in a continuous line, resulting in a hair in the eyebrow area. However, if the artist is inexperienced, he may apply the paint too deeply, which can lead to scarring. And this is no longer a joke. It will be difficult or impossible to restore the skin after such manipulations.

Permanent makeup is the most painless type of pigmentation. The skin is not irritated, redness is minimal, and aftercare is the easiest. During the procedure, the master numbs the skin with an anesthetic, so there is practically no pain.

Microblading is a more difficult procedure, as the skin is more traumatized. During work, the skin is also numbed, but in several stages, since the pigment is immersed at a deeper level.

Permanent makeup – since the pigment is applied superficially, the artist can create the fluffiest shading. Permanent makeup done in the right place will give you natural eyebrows for 2 years.

Microblading – eyebrows look super natural after the procedure, hair to hair, but this effect will not last long, but only 2-3 months, then the hairs will begin to float and you will end up with an unattractively shaded permanent.

Durability of the procedure:
Permanent makeup – permanent makeup will last for about 2 years, without surprising you with blue-green-red shades, and will gently fade away when the time comes.

Microblading – the wear time is unpredictable, in most cases from 3-6 months with salmon residue that will have to be removed.

Removing permanent makeup

What to do: remove or cover the old permanent?

We will tell you all the pros and cons, and then I will describe all the nuances of the removal procedure itself so that you don’t have any questions.

It is necessary to remove permanent makeup when:

A crooked shape – be it arrows or eyebrows, or even worse lips.
Densely packed pigment, that is, the tattoo looks like an old tattoo.
Blue, green or red tint on eyebrows. Blue wings, and lips with a bluish tint? Then it’s definitely time for you to remove it!
Your tattoo was performed not only on the lips, but also extends beyond the area around the lips – removal with a remover. Read why later.
Red “residues” from microblading.


When you should not remove permanent makeup:

The pigment has turned blue, but it is barely visible on the skin – then covering it up may be a good solution.
Even eyebrows, but the color has faded – this case can also be covered.
Old hands, but they are straight. We are successfully covering this problem.

What types of removal are currently on the market?

We distinguish 2 main types of old permanent makeup removal:
Laser removal.
Removal with remover.
Let’s consider both options.



Removing permanent makeup using laser

Laser tattoo removal is a procedure that is carried out using special equipment aimed at lightening the existing pigment.

As a rule, the pigment is destroyed in the epidermis due to high temperature (it’s true, laser removal is not a pleasant procedure) and, breaking down into small particles, exits through the lymphatic system.

Thus, laser removal is an effective method, but can have a negative effect on the body.

Few clients know what type of pigment was immersed in the skin if the permanent was made 5-10 years ago. That is, there is a possibility that the pigment could contain an admixture of plastic, which the body does not remove well, but also remains in the lymph nodes.

Pros of laser removal:
Removal takes a few minutes.
There are no “crusts” after the procedure.
Fairly simple healing care.
Color inversion occurs. For example, blue eyebrows can become browner in one session, but lips cannot be removed with a laser because they can change color to black.

Disadvantages of laser removal:
This is a painful procedure.
Requires several visits. Usually it takes 3-6 sessions.
If the pigment initially lies poorly in the epidermis, then removal can negatively affect the general condition of the body.

Removing permanent makeup using a remover
At the moment, there are many systems for removing unwanted tattoos with a remover:

White Color
remover A. Sivak.